Collaborative Research Office

The Collaborative Research Office promotes actions aimed at supporting collaborative and multidisciplinary research and strengthening the network of relationships which is fertile ground for international cooperation, with a view to increasing participation in initiatives (eg ERANET, JPI, JTI, COST, partnership) and European calls (Horizon 2020 calls under its competence, EURATOM, other direct programs) with a strong international character or on specific issues. The Office provides information and advice on funding opportunities and support in preparing proposals. It also deals with supporting the Institute in the identification and adherence to strategic European networks .

L’ufficio supporta i Bandi Infrastrutture di Ricerca, Bandi dei pilastri di Horizon 2020 Industrial Leadership e Societal Challenges, bandi ERANET, COST,  Joint Action e Partnerships.

Azioni e Programmi di Riferimento Principali 
Focus su tematiche selezionate di interesse